"Twin" Comets Make Historic Back-To-Back Near-Earth Flybys

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Comets 252P/LINEAR (right) and 2016 BA14 as they flew past Earth on March 21 and March 22, 2016, respectively. (Photo Credit Slooh Community Observatory)

This past week was an exciting one for astronomy fans. That's because two comets — 252P and P/2016 BA14 — were scheduled to make their closest approach to Earth, back-to-back. The icy celestial bodies did not disappoint.

252 aka LINEAR was the first to zip past Earth on Monday, March 21. At its closest, the comet which is the bigger of the two came within 3.5 million miles (5.6 kilometers) or about 14 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This made it the fifth closest comet encounter in recorded history. According to AccuWeather Meteorologist, Dave Samuhel, LINEAR was almost visible to the unaided eye in the Southern Hemisphere.

Comet 252P Linear at its closest approach on March 21 (Photo Credit: Con Stoisis)

With a diameter of just over one kilometer, P/2016 BA14 aka PanSTARRS, which made its closest near-Earth flyby the following day (March 22) at 7:30 a.m. PDT (10:30 a.m. EDT), was about half the size of LINEAR. However, it came significantly closer — Zipping past just 2.2 million miles away or about nine times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. While this makes it the third closest comet encounter, it is the closest one in recent history, given that the previous two were recorded in the 1700's - Over two hundred years ago!

What's interesting is that astronomers did not even know that P/2016 BA14 existed until January 22 when it was spotted by University of Hawaii’s PanSTARRS telescope (after which it was named) that sits atop the dormant Haleakala volcano in Maui. It was initially believed to be an asteroid. But that changed when the University of Maryland and Lowell Observatory team noticed the tail, a feature that is characteristic of comets.

P/2016 BA14 (Photo Credit: NASA/JPL - Caltech/GSSR)

P/2016 BA14’s close approach enabled the scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA to take detailed images. The scientists say that the odd-shaped comet, which is brick-like on one side and pear-shaped on the other, possesses some interesting topographical features that include ridges and valleys. They also learned it takes the comet anywhere from 35 to 40 hours to spin on its axis.

The fact that the two comets have such similar orbits has led astronomers to suspect that P/2016 BA14 may just be a part of LINEAR that broke off. Given that the comet was just recently discovered, that theory certainly seems plausible. Further studies will confirm if the researchers are right.

If you are like most people, you probably had no idea these comets were making an appearance. But do not fret. Scientists believe that the debris left behind by the comets as they zipped past Earth will result in a minor meteor shower from March 28 to March 30.

How to locate 252P/Linear (Photo Credit Sky &Telescope)

There is even better news for the residents of the Northern Hemisphere, who were shut out from the close encounter with LINEAR. Thanks to the comet's orbit, it will be visible to them starting Tuesday, March 29. LINEAR, which is much brighter than had originally been thought, can be best viewed about 90 minutes before sunrise. Astronomers recommend pointing binoculars or telescopes towards the southern part of the sky between the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations. Sky and Telescope Senior Editor Kelly Beatty says that viewers should expect to see a circular greenish glow which will be larger than the moon, but thousands of times dimmer — So be sure to look carefully!


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  • Ibanover 8 years
    1.They were excited to see 2 comets 2. linear was the first and was 3.5 million miles away and visible from south hemisphere 3.PanSTARRS was the second most closest to earth by 2.2 miles away and it looked like linear.
    • Alfonsoover 8 years
      1.)It was exiting because two comets,252P and P/2016 BA14 were going to be close to Earth. 2.)The comet 252P was the first to pass by,it was 3.5 million miles away and it was almost visible in the Southern Hemisphere. 3.)The second comet came on March 22 at 7:30 a.m. PDT and it was closer that the first at only 2.2 million miles away,the comet looked like a brick on one side and like a pear on the other side. Critical Thinking Challenge: The astronauts track the because the want to know where and when they will be able to see them again or if they will ever hit Earth later on in the future.
      • Dante Gonzalezover 8 years
        1. Two comets were scheduled to make their closest approach to earth back to back. 2.252 aka LINEAR was the first to zip past Earth on Monday, March 21. 3,P/2016 BA14 aka PanSTARRS was the comet and made its closest near-Earth flyby the following day (March 22) at 7:30 a.m. PDT (10:30 a.m. EDT), 4.So that they can be able to see what's specifically coming...
        • jose,christianover 8 years
          1. they were supposed to see 2 comets approach earth. 2.the comet linear.it was visible from the southern hemisphere. it came within 3.5 million miles 3.pan STTARS was closer to earth within 2.2 million miles.
          • Alejandro over 8 years
            1.The to comets were post to come to Earth.2.Linear was the first to get close to earth on march 21 it came 3.5 million miles away from earth it was visable by the naked eye in the southern hemisphere. 3. PanSTARRS the 2nd comet came march 22 it was half the size of Linear it came 2.2 million miles away from earth.
            • hector gonzalezover 8 years
              1.two comets 2.252 aka LINEAR was the first one on Monday, March 21.n the Southern Hemisphere 3.P/2016 BA14 was closest on January 22.it was spotted by University of Hawaii telescope in Maui. 4.so that they can look close to see is something is approaching
              • jenniferover 8 years
                1)Scientists were exited because two comets were supposed to flyby very close to earth. 2)linear was the first,march 21,at 3.5 million miles,it was visible from the southern hemisphere. 3)the second comet came by on march 22,came by 2.2 million miles,it looked like it had a tail which is a characteristic of a comet
                • Jason Garayover 8 years
                  1.) That's because two comets — 252P and P/2016 BA14 — were scheduled to make their closest approach to Earth, back-to-back. 2.)252 aka LINEAR was the first to zip past Earth on Monday, March 21. At its closest, the comet which is the bigger of the two came within 3.5 million miles (5.6 kilometers) or about 14 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This made it the fifth closest comet encounter in recorded history. According to AccuWeather Meteorologist, Dave Samuhel, LINEAR was almost visible to the unaided eye in the Southern Hemisphere. 3.)With a diameter of just over one kilometer, P/2016 BA14 aka PanSTARRS, which made its closest near-Earth flyby the following day (March 22) at 7:30 a.m. PDT (10:30 a.m. EDT), was about half the size of LINEAR. However, it came significantly closer — Zipping past just 2.2 million miles away or about nine times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. While this makes it the third closest comet encounter, it is the closest one in recent history, given that the previous two were recorded in the 1700's - Over two hundred years ago! 4.)PanSTARRS close approach enabled the scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, CA to take detailed images. The scientists say that the odd-shaped comet, which is brick-like on one side and pear-shaped on the other, possesses some interesting topographical features that include ridges and valleys. They also learned it takes PanSTARRS anywhere from 35 to 40 hours to spin on its axis.
                  • tardis2004
                    tardis2004over 8 years
                    • dogorules6786
                      dogorules6786over 8 years