OMG, this book is doooo amazing cause I like French and I really want to go to NY. Whoever made this he/she is the best writer.

A French Girl in New York (The French Girl Series) (Volume 1)
By Anna Adams
Book Reviews (3)
Ilove it Wow
Oh my gosh this is the best book I've ever read!! I really stumbled onto this by accident when searching for another book. Maude is a very...poor? Sad? Lonely? 16 year old orphan in a small town in the north of France. She is abused by her stepmother and her stepfather is a little less worse, but still a terrible, ignorant "fair and justifying lawyer". She does her homework in a basement where the only light is from a weak flashlight, so it's plainly very hard to concentrate. The only comfort in her life is music. (I heard this book has an amazing soundtrack) No one recognizes her struggle or ignore it. One day, the school is having a field trip to Paris, which Maude beg her stepfather to allow her. he tells her to get 15/20 at math or more. The thing is, Maude is very bad at math, and her teacher knows it. She tries A LOT to get a better score but her teacher doesn't even check her answers and put 5/20...Maude get very determined, and change it into 15. In Paris, she meets a literally LIFE CHANGING person after playing a piano in a cafe. That's how she start her life as a teen music star with Matt, a famous teen pop star. She realizes the truth about her and it's amazing to watch her grow, with help from her friend/new family. This is better than Hunger Games, Harry Potter or any other famous books. THIS IS THE BEST! As you go into this book, please get your homework done first because this is too good! ;D