have not read yet but soon i will!

D-Day: Battle on the Beach (Ranger in Time #7)
By Kate Messner
In this adventure, Ranger heads to Normandy on the morning of the D-Day invasion and finds himself in the middle of one of the fiercest battles of World War II. Ranger meets Leo, a Jewish boy who is hiding with a local farmer, and Walt, a young African-American soldier fighting to free France from the Nazis. Walt is in the 320th Balloon Battalion, so it's his job to help operate the enormous barrage balloons that fly over the American troops, shielding them from enemy planes. It's pure chaos, with thundering warplanes, falling bombs, and exploding land mines. Will Ranger, Leo, and Walt survive?
Book Reviews (7)
the dog is cut
kidding this book is amazing luv it yus sorry for saying those things
this book is good
This book is awesome .
Hi! Im a kid but I like to call my self a historian who loves WWII if u love it to then read this book!
Wow I already saw the movie