Camille and the Little Prince: Caramelo y el Principito
By Zuly Rivas
Caramelo y el principito, es una historia de compasión, coraje y amistad. El camellito Caramelo se compadece de la situación, por la que está pasando el pequeño príncipe de un país lejano, cuando unos malhechores lo raptan, y sin pensarlo más se decide a ayudarlo, pasando por situaciones de peligro que finalmente logran solventar, nace una verdadera amistad entre el niño y el camellito. Está historia no se escribió con propósitos didácticos, sino con la intención de divertir.
Camille and the little prince is a story of compassion, courage and friendship. Camille, the little camel takes compassion of the situation the little prince was going through when a band of thieves kidnap him. Without giving a second thought he decides to help him and is put through dangerous situations that at the end he is able to succeed. Through out the adventures a true friendship develops between the boy and the little camel. This story was not written for perceptive purposes rather simply for entertainment.
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
ISBN-13: 9781412088251
ISBN-10: 1412088259
Published on 11/7/2006
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 24
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