J.K Rowling was done it once more. made magic reality. its really great isn't it? you should definitely rad this if you like "Harry Potter"

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
By J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling's screenwriting debut is captured in this exciting hardcover edition of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them screenplay.
When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone…
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them marks the screenwriting debut of J.K. Rowling, author of the beloved and internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. Featuring a cast of remarkable characters, this is epic, adventure-packed storytelling at its very best.
Whether an existing fan or new to the wizarding world, this is a perfect addition to any reader's bookshelf.
Book Reviews (6)
Ooooookay, here goes nothing… Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (FBAWTFT) was a novel (or script) that I loved/enjoyed. It was nowhere near Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, which was a complete disappointment… No, this is not the Cursed Child anymore because IT IS WRITTEN BY NO OTHER THAN THE AUTHOR HERSELF, JK ROWLING. Pheeeew…. This novel was AMAZING, it was surreal. I loved how JK Rowling based the whole thing on your knowledge of Harry Potter. Ex- Nifflers, Muggles, Ministry Of Magic, etc. ***Characters*** Newt Scamander is nearing the nickname, Lana’s Little Nugget Part 2, right after Ron Weasley. He is such a fragile little person, but ironically he is a full grown adult. I’ll give you a moment to think about that. Tina and Newt were the PERFECT duo. What I loved about this pair is because they love each other… as friends. They care about each other, and they do not fall in love like the typical boy and girl pair. Jacob was a very nice played character. I really liked how JK Rowling included a non-magic person. It was special because Jacob stayed and helped Newt and Tina even though he is not fighting his own battle. Doesn’t make sense? I don’t get it either. Queenie was… interesting. I’ve read about legilimency before in the Harry Potter films. But I’ve never read about a person that can do it so well. Did Voldemort do it well? I don’t think JK Rowling mentioned any of that. Hey! Person that didn’t read this book, this next paragraph contains spoilers…BEWARE….. Credence seems like a not-important-just-ignore-me-constantly-showing-up-kind-of-character. I just feel that he is misunderstood, not evil. In the movie, it shows that Senator Shaw picked up a paper that he dropped and said, Go put this in the garbage where you belong. And then, KABOOOOM. Senator Shaw is dead. Then, Marie Lou threatens him and, BOOM! She is dead. Lesson: Never annoy random squibs that are harnessing their powers. Okay, spoilers are done. You can uncover your eyes. Wait, no I am lying. Just a bit… Graves was…intimidating. Who’ve guessed that he was BEEP,BEEP,BEEP Grindelwald? But, they do have the same hair style so, should I say I saw it coming? Spoilers are done, please sit back in your seat and stop running around like an ostrich. In all, the novel was pretty good. (Oh, and the movie too). Both of these got a solid 4 stars from moi. Until next time, I’ll cry so JK Rowling can write yet another fantastic (beasts) novel.
This book is amazing by the one and only JK. ROWLING. This author is one of best authors I read in all times due to her bestselling Harry Potter series together with 450 million copies world wide. The Fantastic Beast is a screenplay of the movie. The book is about a guy named Newt Scamander who came from England to New York just to explore and find more magical creatures to make sure they are kept safe especially the creature named Credence. Newt also wanted to make a book about the benefits of these magical creatures, where they can be found such as a Niffler. But during his journey to New York he by accident swap cases with someone named Jacob Kowalski. From there Newt creatures escape to the city which gives troubles to New York. This is a brief of the story and I will rate it 5/5 due to a book of JK.Rowling taking you to explore the wizarding world.
It's a great book. I like your review
It sounds good and I love Harry Potter.
I would LOVE to read this book because I love the Harry Potter books and movie and would like to see what the Wizarding World was like without the exsistence of Harry Potter.
Same here!
I have seen the trailer and it really affected me more than i like reading Harry Potter books