Hmm want to see the inside. Looks good I need to try it. I sort of need it to see what's inside the Titanic. The R.M.S Titanic is one of my favorite studies. R.M.S means Royal Mail Steamer. There was a lot of flaws in the design. The biggest was the life boats.

Inside the Titanic (A Giant Cutaway Book)
By Hugh Brewster
In this lavishly illustrated book, the gripping story of the R.M.S. "Titanic" is told in a spectacularly visual way that makes readers feel as if they are actually "inside" the giant doomed liner. A compelling text featuring the stories of real-life children who sailed on the "Titanic" accompanies the detailed cutaway illustrations of the ship. Full color.
Publisher: Madison Press Book
Published on 7/1/1997
Binding: Hardcover