I'm a huge Star Wars fan I haven't read it in a while, but to me I was looking for a movie in a book with action. It wasn't at all what I thought, it had a little action, but it was more a Star Wars love story. The characters weren't the same, either. I'm rating it two stars, because it wasn't Star Wars. READ Most Wanted for better.

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lost Stars
By Claudia Gray
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 6 - 8 | Grade 7 | n/a | 6.5 | 109400 |
Book Reviews (5)
At the beginning I thought it was good, but my thoughts on it turned sour the farther I got. It has been a while since I read it, so I don’t remember everything that bothered me exactly, but I remember some. As a huge Star Wars fan, and big time reader of the legends series, I noticed a lot about this hook that was off. First of all, the story was decent, but it felt kinda inappropriate with the love story sometimes, especially since I came for a star Wars book, not a lovey dovey story. Not saying that it couldn’t have been good, just felt inappropriate scenes were there, at least to me. Second, and most importantly, it didn’t feel like Star Wars. I got the impression that the author didn’t know much at all about Star Wars... from how the universe worked at large to even small things like how combat works. In no universe would three tie fighters (still not entirely sure they were regular ties or interceptors, as the author said interceptors twice in passing and never again, and kept just saying tie fighters, so I don’t feel like she knew what those were either...) have any chance against four x-wings, if they were decent pilots, unless you had three Baron Fels in those ties, which they obviously didn’t. Not to mention an x-wing has both shield and proton torpedoes, both of which were never shown to be used. I just felt like the author didn’t do any research into the world, even easy things you could look up on a wiki or watch the first three movies. Oh, and I almost forgot, on hoth the author thought that the second person (gunner) in a snow speeder could shoot a cannon or something, but all they had was a tow cable. In all honestly, the only thing I think they got right in the book was the overall attitude of the empire. But that is all just my opinion. All I can say is if you are looking for a true Star Wars book, turn away, and go back to legends (especially the x-wing series, it’s amazing and shows TRUE piloting skills, a lot better than the two wannabes in this book)
so good
Lost Stars is an interesting Star Wars book, but be warned: it is NOT for kids! Most of the book was fun, but some parts were inappropriate. Definitely consult your parents before reading this book, since some of the material is pretty adult.
I want to read this so badly! It comes before TFA correct??