In the book” One Green Apple”, by Eve Bunting, the girl gets bullied because of how she talks and her race . She was lonely and quiet and she did not talk to anyone and when she did they could not understand her. One day she was walking and met a girl and they started to hang out and they became friends and they started to become close. One day she said it not that im stuiped it is just that i'm lost in this new places. This book taught me to find good friends to hang out with and be close with My first reason why this book taught me not to hide from all the stuff inside let it out and find a friend to play with and hang with. She say appel and they all get so happy why? She doesn't speak english she speaks spanish The text said “I can't speak to them” And they judge her. I think she speak Spanish because they judge her because of her race and usually people of her race speak Spanish. They are happy for her so she is starting to learn english she dropped the apple in the dlander and the boy yelled at her for potting to apple in and she was all happy to pot it in and she got yelled at. A few min later they rood back and she set by this guy and he was being nice and kind and not being mean they always bolled her because how she talks and her race and they did not understand her that is why she got bolled but she made a friend and that all it matters she has someone to talk to when she is sad and lonely. In conclusion this book taught me to find good friends to hang out with and close with she finds a friend. People bully her because her race and who she talks and she decided to be Brave and walk out and find a friend and to go out a get air. This relates to my life because I found a friend that cares about me and that stuff for me when I'm lonely.

One Green Apple
By Eve Bunting
Ted Lewin’s gorgeous sun-drenched paintings and Eve Bunting’s sensitive text immediately put the reader into another child’s shoes in this timely story of a young Muslim immigrant.
Book Reviews (7)
In the world times can be rough when you don't know how to do something and react. In ‘One Green apple’ by ‘Eve Bunting’ The author never says this but i get enough evidence to know Farah is a particular one and the author does say she cant speak English and just moved to a English country and speaks to any of the other kids and if she had been able to speak to the kids she would probably fit in way better and faster. One Green Apple teaches you things can be hard but you can get past it. This is true for Farah because she made a friend. This shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give up And my second reason is she stopped getting picked on and this means people stopped talking bad about her and being mean this shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give. My final reason is that she got a good drink and stayed with her group and this is important because that drink gave her confidence to stay with the group. This shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is. One Green Apple teaches you things can be hard but you can get past it. This is true for Farah because she made a friend. For example this shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give up because and Farah is a particular one and can’t speak English and just moved to a English country and speaks to any of the other kids and if she had been able to speak to the kids she would probably fit in way better and faster. in the text it says “I can't speak English and can't understand them like they cant understand me”. One Green Apple teaches you things can be hard but you can get past it. And For example my second reason is she stopped getting picked on and this means people stopped talking bad about her and being mean this shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give up when you think you can’t do it you keep going until you do it and don't ever give up in life if you want something you push it until you can’t anymore and Farah is a particular one and cant speak english and just moved to a english country and speaks to any of the other kids and if she had been able to speak to the kids she would probably fit in way better and faster. In the text it says “I hear my country mentioned fondly but not often and i see people looking at me with a evil smile but I ignore them”. One Green Apple teaches you things can be hard but you can get past it. and For example my final reason is that she got a good drink and stayed with her group and this is important because that drink gave her confidence to stay with the group this shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give up when you think you can’t do it you keep going until you do it and don't ever give up in life if you want something you push it until you can’t anymore. Farah is a particular one and cant speak english and just moved to a english country and speaks to any of the other kids and if she had been able to speak to the kids she would probably fit in way better and faster. in the text it said “I sipped the juice, apple cider said my new friend and I sipped and it gave me confidence”. To sum things up, 'One Green apple’ by ‘Eve Bunting’One Green Apple teaches you things can be hard but you can get past it. This is true for Farah because she made a friend. This shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give up And my second reason is she stopped getting picked on and this means people stopped talking bad about her and being mean this shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is and you don't give. My final reason is that she got a good drink and stayed with her group and this is important because that drink gave her confidence to stay with the group. This shows that you can always get through stuff no matter how hard it is
In life, when you're feeling lonely you usually get away from most people. In the short story “One Green Apple”, by Eve Bunting a girl named Farah came to a place where she gets judged by how she speaks, and her race. “One Green Apple” teaches me that if you're feeling lonely don't hide, put yourself out there. This is true when she went to a tree by nothing else, when she put an apple into the blender and that she couldn't speak to the others. First of all, if you're feeling lonely don't hide yourself out there. My first reason was when she went to a small and lonely tree by nothing else when Farah should have stayed with the others. In this part she rode on a wagon with all the other kids, they passed an orchard so they stopped and picked apples, after they were going to make apple cider. The author uses dialogue to show that she was upset. From the text Farah said “I pull away from the rest. Beside me is a tree, shorter than the other, that does not seem to belong. It's small and alone like me.” This is important because she's hiding from the rest by nothing else, and she says it's alone and short like her. Secondly, if you're feeling and they don't hide, put yourself out there. Another reason was when she put the Apple in to make apple juice. In this part she was the last kid to put her apple in. Everyone screamed “no “ and “don't do it” but it was too late, after she put her apple in she felt better, she felt like one of the other kids. The author used a 1st person narrator to show what she was thinking. The text said “ A boy moves towards me, as if to try to stop me from putting in my little green apple.” This is important because she felt left out and her friends welcomed her. Also she welcomed herself because she ignored the others and did what she wanted to do. Finally, if you're feeling lonely don't hide and put yourself out there. My last reason was when she tried to speak to the others. In this part she heard the other say apple a lot, she took a deep breath and tried to say apple. The author used a description to show every little detail. For example, the text said “I take a deep breath “App-ell” i say, Anna claps.” This shows every little detail step by step. Also how she got to the point right away. This is important because After the others say an english word they realized that she was just like them, and they started respecting her. As you can see Farah changes to the middle to the end. She changes by Putting herself out there. She changed when she went to a tree by nothing else, when she put an apple into the blender and that she couldn't speak to the others. From now on instead of being negative like saying “I can’t “ or doing something selfish or rude I will start saying and being more positive, like saying “I can” or doing things not only to help me but to help everyone else. I think people in the world should start being more positive and way more independent.
In life, when you're feeling lonely you usually get away from most people. In the short story “One Green Apple”, by Eve Bunting a girl named Farah came to a place where she gets judged by how she speaks, and her race. “One Green Apple” teaches me that if you're feeling lonely don't hide, put yourself out there. This is true when she went to a tree by nothing else, when she put an apple into the blender and that she couldn't speak to the others. First of all, if you're feeling lonely don't hide yourself out there. My first reason was when she went to a small and lonely tree by nothing else when Farah should have stayed with the others. In this part she rode on a wagon with all the other kids, they passed an orchard so they stopped and picked apples, after they were going to make apple cider. The author uses dialogue to show that she was upset. From the text Farah said “I pull away from the rest. Beside me is a tree, shorter than the other, that does not seem to belong. It's small and alone like me.” This is important because she's hiding from the rest by nothing else, and she says it's alone and short like her. Secondly, if you're feeling and they don't hide, put yourself out there. Another reason was when she put the Apple in to make apple juice. In this part she was the last kid to put her apple in. Everyone screamed “no “ and “don't do it” but it was too late, after she put her apple in she felt better, she felt like one of the other kids. The author used a 1st person narrator to show what she was thinking. The text said “ A boy moves towards me, as if to try to stop me from putting in my little green apple.” This is important because she felt left out and her friends welcomed her. Also she welcomed herself because she ignored the others and did what she wanted to do. Finally, if you're feeling lonely don't hide and put yourself out there. My last reason was when she tried to speak to the others. In this part she heard the other say apple a lot, she took a deep breath and tried to say apple. The author used a description to show every little detail. For example, the text said “I take a deep breath “App-ell” i say, Anna claps.” This shows every little detail step by step. Also how she got to the point right away. This is important because After the others say an english word they realized that she was just like them, and they started respecting her. As you can see Farah changes to the middle to the end. She changes by Putting herself out there. She changed when she went to a tree by nothing else, when she put an apple into the blender and that she couldn't speak to the others. From now on instead of being negative like saying “I can’t “ or doing something selfish or rude I will start saying and being more positive, like saying “I can” or doing things not only to help me but to help everyone else. I think people in the world should start being more positive and way more independent.
In literature, you should never act like someone that you are not. The girl in One Green Apple should not listen to what other people think about her. A girl was just moving to a town and she can’t speak English. This works for when people were looking at her funny, when the boy yelled at her, when she left the group. I think Eve Bunting wrote this book because she wanted to make sure people now do not care about what other people think. My first reason is he should not care about what other people think about her. She was walking into class and the other kids were looking at her funny and meanly and it made her feel bad. My first example is the other kids were looking at her funny. My second example is that the text says that they made her feel bad about herself. “She also hears them talking bad about her hometown.” This shows that people don’t like her because she just moved there so she is new. This also means people don’t know her and she does not know them. This teaches me to be nice to others. My second reason is she should not listen to what other people think about her. My second example is when The girl is putting in her apple into the blender and the boy yelled at her for doing it. My second example is “when the boy yelled at her and he was too late!” What this means is that he doesn't want to drink the juice from her apple because she was new. My third example is I think the boy does not like her because if he did then he would not have yelled at her. This also shows that the boy is not nice. My third reason is She should not care about what other people think about her. When all of the kids were picking apples she left the group. My third example is when she left the group. Another example she says “this apple is alone and small just like me!” Also “people were looking at her funny again.” This shows that she likes to be alone until she has friends. She left the group so she got away from the group so she could just get some alone time. As you can see she should not listen to what other people think about her. This works for when the kids were looking at her funny, this also works for when the boy yelled at her, this also works for when she left the group. From now on I will not care about what people think about me. But will everybody else care.
In life if you are lonely you should go by people not away from them. In the storey One Green Apple by Eve Bunting, Farah is lonely and leaves the group and wanders away.One Green Apple teaches you to go by people if you are lonely Farah went out of the grope when she was getting her apple, In the wagon and in the wagon with no friends. In this book Farah was lonely and she made it worse by leaving the group and I think that made it harder for her not to be lonely. The first time was that she was lonely, for example when she was getting her apple. In this part she went out of the grope and did not stay and I think that made her more lonely.In the text it said ‘’I pull away from the rest’’.In the book One Green Apple the author made her feelings really show you what you should do in your life because it said that she thinks that people hate her. Farah from One Green Apple is trying to fit in but it is hard. This is important because if you are lonely in your life you should talk to people and interact with people. If I was lonely I would talk to people not pull away. Secondly Farah was lonely, for example she was in the wagen because she had no won to talk to. In this part she was in a wagon and she was lonely because she felt like she was unwelcome. In the text it says ‘’We are not always liked here’’ I think that made here feel lonely. This is important because you should go by people when you are lonely. This shows that if you are lonely that you can go by people and that will fix it or talk to people. Finally Farah was lonely for example she was in the waggon with no friends. In this part she was in the waggon with no friends. I think she was lonely because she has no friends. In the text it says ‘’They know me and I don’t know them’’. Farah from One Green Apple is trying to be lonely but she keeps going away from people and that makes it harder to be not lonely. This shows that when you are lonely to go by people and talk it out. You should know this because if you are lonely you can fix that by going by people. As you can see, The character Farah was lonely when she was getting her apple, When she was in the wagon with no friends. From now on if I am lonely I will go by people and talk about it and work it out. You never know what people are going through. If someone in my class was lonely I would be their friend and welcome them because I saght what Farah went through . In life if you are lonely you should go by people not away from them. In the storey One Green Apple by Eve Bunting, Farah is lonely and leaves the group and wanders away.One Green Apple teaches you to go by people if you are lonely Farah went out of the grope when she was getting her apple, In the wagon and in the wagon with no friends. In this book Farah was lonely and she made it worse by leaving the group and I think that made it harder for her not to be lonely.
First of all, if you're feeling lonely don't hide yourself out there. My first reason was when she went to a small and lonely tree by nothing else when Farah should have stayed with the others. In this part she rode on a wagon with all the other kids, they passed an orchard so they stopped and picked apples, after they were going to make apple cider. The author uses dialogue to show that she was upset. From the text Farah said “I pull away from the rest. Beside me is a tree, shorter than the other, that does not seem to belong. It's small and alone like me.” This is important because she's hiding from the rest by nothing else, and she says it's alone and short like her. Secondly, if you're feeling and they don't hide, put yourself out there. Another reason was when she put the Apple in to make apple juice. In this part she was the last kid to put her apple in. Everyone screamed “no “ and “don't do it” but it was too late, after she put her apple in she felt better, she felt like one of the other kids. The author used a 1st person narrator to show what she was thinking. The text said “ A boy moves towards me, as if to try to stop me from putting in my little green apple.” This is important because she felt left out and her friends welcomed her. Also she welcomed herself because she ignored the others and did what she wanted to do. Finally, if you're feeling lonely don't hide and put yourself out there. My last reason was when she tried to speak to the others. In this part she heard the other say apple a lot, she took a deep breath and tried to say apple. The author used a description to show every little detail. For example, the text said “I take a deep breath “App-ell” i say, Anna claps.” This shows every little detail step by step. Also how she got to the point right away. This is important because After the others say an english word they realized that she was just like them, and they started respecting her. As you can see Farah changes to the middle to the end. She changes by Putting herself out there. She changed when she went to a tree by nothing else, when she put an apple into the blender and that she couldn't speak to the others. From now on instead of being negative like saying “I can’t “ or doing something selfish or rude I will start saying and being more positive, like saying “I can” or doing things not only to help me but to help everyone else. I think people in the world should start being more positive and way more independent.