Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the eight books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (8)
  • thebookgeek
    thebookgeekover 5 years
    I have thirty reviews written, and 10 pending!! Good job, all of the numbers of reviews written by the top ten are going up!!
    • inmemoryofcpr
      inmemoryofcprover 5 years
      Me too! Except I only have 6 pending right now. How do you read so fast?
      • thebookgeek
        thebookgeekover 5 years
        I joined a couple of days into the program, and I am writing reviews for all the books in my house. I’m halfway...
    • hedgeguin2
      hedgeguin2over 5 years
      Do you guys have any good books you liked to read? I read all the books in my house, and we can’t go to the library, so this is me- :|
      • beachbreeze16
        beachbreeze16over 5 years
        I like the Lunar Chronicles, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, the Fog Diver, The Candymakers, and Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos Library
        • lumos
          lumosover 5 years
          All the Harry Potter books are really good. I also like Matched, Grump, The Wishmakers, and The Hunger games... these are books I'm reading right now. Good luck!!
          • inmemoryofcpr
            inmemoryofcprover 5 years
            Well, my mom is forcing me to read old timey books which aren't thhhaatt bad but I wouldn't recommend reading them for fun.
            • beachbreeze16
              beachbreeze16over 5 years
              haha my mom does the same thing
              • inmemoryofcpr
                inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                It literally took me half an year to just finish the land of stories series because my mom wouldn't let me read the last 2 books. Lolll
                • ajg16
                  ajg16over 5 years
                  have you read Moby Dick? It's actually not terrible
                  • inmemoryofcpr
                    inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                    Yup, I did, my mom is very thorough and the book was actually quite good but it was the abridged version so I don’t know if the actual version is good... but only a few old times books are good.
              • thebookgeek
                thebookgeekover 5 years
                I’m reading Tom Sawyer, it is good.
              • thebookgeek
                thebookgeekover 5 years
                I like the 13-story tree house series by Andy and Terry.
            • ey2020
              ey2020over 5 years
              WOW! pizzagirl17 is real up there on the scoreboard!
            • belle252
              belle252over 5 years
              @pizzagirl7 and @inmemoryofcpr you guys have read so many books good job, could you recommend some good ones to read, thanks
              • lumos
                lumosover 5 years
                Hii, I remember you!!
                • inmemoryofcpr
                  inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                  Hi, I would recommend the Willow Fall series and if you like graphic novels you should read Invisible Emmie but it really depends on what your reading level is, anyways, I'm going to be in 6th grade so if you are around that age then I would recommend these books. If you aren't, I can recommend others I read the previous years.
                • thebookgeek
                  thebookgeekover 5 years
                  I have enough reviews pending to get me on to the leader board!!!!!! You guys are so nice, I already have 3 followers on day 3!
                • thebookgeek
                  thebookgeekover 5 years
                  Is there a way to see who is 1, 2, 3, etc. on the leader board for points? Thanks! Also, I love how all the comments have correct grammer for the most point. :)
                  • inmemoryofcpr
                    inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                    Yeah, there is! Just click @ajg16's profile or search up @fabian11 and scroll down. You will see the leader board there.
                    • inmemoryofcpr
                      inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                      Yup, I use correct grammer because I think it is more polite. Thanks for using it too!
                    • thebookgeek
                      thebookgeekover 5 years
                      I joined for the summer reading program, and I have like 20 books at least pending. :)
                    • thebookgeek
                      thebookgeekover 5 years
                      I will soon be on the leader board!!!! Good job to every one participating!!!
                    • jaden07
                      jaden07over 5 years
                      I think we need an group chat 4 books. Example is anything to do with disney descendants or anything harrypotter or rick riodran. any book sets that is well reviewed and liked can be made into a chat
                    • pizzagirl7
                      pizzagirl7over 5 years
                      Happy late birthday πŸŽ‚ ajg16!

                    Summer Reading 2019 has ended!

                    May 14 - August 18, 2019
                    Terms and Conditions

                    Summer Reading 2019 Stats

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                    Books reviewed:
                    Schools participating: