Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the eight books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (8)
  • kkgautamm
    kkgautammover 5 years
    i need some help! how do i see how many books i have reviewed? i cannot see any. also, do you need to add the books to your summer reading log for it to count towards a review?
    • jaden07
      jaden07over 5 years
      Yes you click above and you see how many u read in your reading log or on the chart IF you make it
    • auntieb
      auntiebover 5 years
      You need to do it under the Summer Reading Log otherwise they won't count. And it will say how many you have reviewed in the top right corner of you Summer Reading Log.
      • editor
        editorover 5 years
        Hi - I am not sure what you mean by mark down - But Yes you can review any book of your choice regardless of when u read it as long as its a genuine review with your opinion and yes only reviews in the summer reading log are counted toward prizes.
    • auntieb
      auntiebover 5 years
      I also miss the way the program was last year, I really loved the Summer Reading list - it really expanded what books I read! And in a way it was easier for me to read those books and review them.
    • auntieb
      auntiebover 5 years
      I really need to read more!! I've just been so so so busy!
      • jaden07
        jaden07over 5 years
        Soo, if any of you see my ranks go up fast thats because im going to read for 3 days mostly then post hose books then continue. oh and also im doing 1 of my fav books that i just finished rereading the day before i joined. sometimes ill do different like everyday,. idk yet i will make a plan! happy reading!!!
      • ccswishingstar
        ccswishingstarover 5 years
        • inmemoryofcpr
          inmemoryofcpralmost 6 years
          @zzayumi, you got back your throne!Nice!
          • ccswishingstar
            ccswishingstaralmost 6 years
            What do I have to include in a book review?
            • ajg16
              ajg16over 5 years
              Your opinion and the plot of this story - but don't include the ending or surprise twist
              • inmemoryofcpr
                inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                You can include your opinion about the book and a summary. (But don't include the ending.)
              • jaden07
                jaden07almost 6 years
                Is watermelon taken
              • spykitten
                spykittenalmost 6 years
                Is there anything I have to do for my reviews to count?
                • ajg16
                  ajg16over 5 years
                  Make sure you add the books you want through the *add to reading log* (at the top) ! Also - Hi!!
                  • auntieb
                    auntiebover 5 years
                    For Summer Reading? Just write it in the Summer Reading Log! :D Good to see you @spykitten!
                    • inmemoryofcpr
                      inmemoryofcprover 5 years
                      Make it very original and unique.
                    • inmemoryofcpr
                      inmemoryofcpralmost 6 years
                      I'm not a grape themed avatar anymore, because I wanted to go back to my regular one.

                      Summer Reading 2019 has ended!

                      May 14 - August 18, 2019
                      Terms and Conditions

                      Summer Reading 2019 Stats

                      Books read:
                      Books reviewed:
                      Schools participating: