Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the eight books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (8)
  • zzayumi
    zzayumialmost 6 years
    hey guys! How many books did you read so far?
  • lumos
    lumosalmost 6 years
    Oh hii! I'm a bit late but here I am <3 I see a lot of familiar faces, and new ones! Good job, reader_red, for reviewing the most so far! Good luck to everyone else. Gotta start reviewing now! ~ lots of love
  • auntieb
    auntiebalmost 6 years
    Hey! So I have a question! I am wondering what y'all are doing for Summer Reading, for example, are you reviewing books as you read them or are you reviewing books you have read previously?
    • auntieb
      auntiebalmost 6 years
      Okay! Thanks guys! I think I will just stick to books I am currently reading. Since it is Summer and those are the books I am reading. (= Summer Reading)
      • ajg16
        ajg16almost 6 years
        I'm reviewing books as I read them and if there books I've read before I'm re-reading them
      • reader_red
        reader_redalmost 6 years
        bit a both for me.
      • kruzingwithk9s
        kruzingwithk9salmost 6 years
        Both? i have read some books that I'm gonna review, but i have also done books i did already
      • pizzagirl7
        pizzagirl7almost 6 years
        Have fun reading πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š!
      • ajg16
        ajg16almost 6 years
        Hey does anyone know how remove books from your personal list? I accidentally added the wrong book
      • ajg16
        ajg16almost 6 years
        hey guys :) what are y'all reading right now? I've decided to re-read 'The lightning thief ' and a little bit ago I read 'Moby Dick'
      • zzayumi
        zzayumialmost 6 years
        I never joined a summer reading contest, but i'll try...
      • chlooe
        chlooealmost 6 years
        @Everyone, what books have you reviewed so far? Are you guys enjoying it? I want to know your answers so please reply! :)
        • auntieb
          auntiebalmost 6 years
          I've reviewed Schooled! (It's the only book I've finished this week)
          • zzayumi
            zzayumialmost 6 years
            Drama, Smile, Harry Potter (Book 1), The Lightning thief, Dork diaries (Book 1), wonder, sisters (Still pending)
            • ajg16
              ajg16almost 6 years
              I've done drama, cardboard, ghostopolis (a 3 graphic novels) and I've done the secret of.cicada summer (I'm pretty sure that's the full name) & Moby dick. And I'm loving it! How are you enjoying it? Oh, and what have your read? β™₯β™₯
              • zzayumi
                zzayumialmost 6 years
                I reviewed 5 books, but the reviews are still pending. I am excited, though.
              • pizzagirl7
                pizzagirl7almost 6 years
                I love the summer reading!
                • ajg16
                  ajg16almost 6 years
                  So How many people have joined so far? Reply below and let me know <3 ⬇⬇

                Summer Reading 2019 has ended!

                May 14 - August 18, 2019
                Terms and Conditions

                Summer Reading 2019 Stats

                Books read:
                Books reviewed:
                Schools participating: