Read & Win Prizes!   How it works...

  1. Join and add your favorite books to your summer reading log
  2. Read books and write as many original reviews as you can
  3. The more reviews you write, the higher your chances of winning

Ten (10) participants who review the most books will be eligible to win a Prize Pack of the seven books shown below. The next twenty-five (25) participants with the most reviews will be eligible to win a $10 Gift Card. For complete details see Term and Conditions and mail in your Consent Form.

Summer Reading Prize Books (7)
  • bsc
    bscalmost 5 years
    Which book prize looks most interesting to you? For me, it's the Kid Activists book. Comment yours below!
  • moonlightwolf
    moonlightwolfalmost 5 years
    #SUMMERREADING2020 Get reading people!!!!!!
    • nac
      nacalmost 5 years
      Another question? Does a review have to have a certain amount of words? I thought it had to be over twenty-five, but I would like to make sure.
      • maplepawreader
        maplepawreaderalmost 5 years
        • editor
          editoralmost 5 years
          To be counted toward the SR prizes the review has to be detailed and most importantly have your opinion of the book and the reason for it. This just makes it fair for kids who work hard and read the books.
          • seashells395
            seashells395almost 5 years
            Just over 25 words! Thought they are probably looking for reviews that are a little longer and more specific. Hope this helps!
          • seashells395
            seashells395almost 5 years
            This looks so fun! I'm new to DOGO! My goal is 15 followers! I follow everyone back!
            • kaythevsco
              kaythevscoalmost 5 years
              today l learned a lesson never walk your fish. R.I.P tom
            • bookfan2009
              bookfan2009almost 5 years
              Keep reading everyone!
              • sylvie55555
                sylvie55555almost 5 years
                I love DOGO books so much! Thank you so much Editor for making a great website where everyone can review books and win free books! It's so much fun! Also, thank you to everyone on DOGO for being so kind!!!
              • nac
                nacalmost 5 years
                Question here: if I accidentally added a book onto my reading list is there any way to remove it?
              • reader_red
                reader_redalmost 5 years
                Yay! Summer Reading!
                • fosterkeefe
                  fosterkeefealmost 5 years
                  HI! I just had a question for those who have siblings: Are siblings as well as yourself allowed to participate.(Are multiple people from the same household able to participate?) I know a user whose siblings are so excited to participate but they don't know if they are allowed. I hope they are allowed because they were so excited!
                  • lovetoread26
                    lovetoread26almost 5 years
                    I'm pretty sure they can participate, but only one person from a household can win so that DOGO can distribute the prizes evenly. I hope they are allowed too!
                    • editor
                      editoralmost 5 years
                      Everyone can join in - Just make sure you do real reviews - and not "it's a great book" or something that shows no sign you have read the book - If some of your reviews seem to be"missing" that's the reason . Our moderators are reading every review before approving them
                    • letsparty
                      letspartyalmost 5 years
                      That's a good question. I don't know! Hopefully editor can answer that!!!!

                    Summer Reading 2020 has ended!

                    April 29 - August 18, 2020
                    Terms and Conditions

                    Summer Reading 2020 Stats

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                    Books reviewed:
                    Schools participating:

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