i would have read these bt i can't but i still recomend reading them

Double Dork Diaries
By Rachel Renee Russell
Book Reviews (135)
i really really want to read this but i dont have time to buy it im not broke
I really want this book so I suggested it to my school library .
so funny
so cool
I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I LOVE DORK DIARIES I HAVE all of them they are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so cool like in my opinion i think EVERYONE would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them p.s like and reply if you are like me and are JUST like nikki and if you DISLIKE mckenzie bye peeps!!!
OMG PaygelChamberLain! Yes! IKR! I LOVE Nikki and I DISLIKE McKenzie!! Like is ur like Me and Payge
OMG Dork Diaries! My friend or cousin Lilly, OMG she's so like Mckenzie! She always makes drama bout everything! OMG annoying but, I like the boy in the book more and the main girl. (Not Mckenzie!) Like if your cousin or friend is a drama queen like Mckenzie! Bye!
they are awesome