The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise is maybe the best book I've ever read, and I am a VERY picky reader! Dan Geimenhart, the author, has writing that is so compelling! Every chapter leaves you crying out for more, and every plot twist (and believe me, there are a lot) has you slack-jawed. The author begins our story telling us about a girl and her father, the only remnants, however shattered, of a once whole family. After the mother and other two sisters died in a car crash, the father and daughter fled their home and started a new life on a renovated school bus. They have been living there for five years, and they are happy- or at least satisfied- with this lifestyle until the girl, Coyote, hears that a forest that holds a memory box of hers is being destroyed. She has to get to the forest and find the box before it is dug up and destroyed! Her father will absolutely, no way no how, take her there, though, so how will she get there? The answer is found with Salvador, Esperanza, Concepcion, Lester, Tammy, Ivan, and Gladys. I liked how there are many funny parts in the book and many heart-throbbing parts. I did not like how to book wasn't long enough- there was not a 'ten years later' section where we get to see all the characters again, doing well. Thank you Dan Geimenhart for writing this!

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
By Dan Gemeinhart
Book Reviews (14)
I just finished TRJOCS for my book club, and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! Told from the perspective of a girl called Coyote Sunrise, Dan Geimenhart spins a tale of a girl and her father who live on a bus. Five years ago, the rest of their family died. Coyote's mother and her two sisters were too painful to discuss, so Coyote's father bought a school bus and abandoned their old home. Ever since, they have been traveling the country. Soon, Coyote learns of something special being destroyed back in her hometown. She must get her father to drive there- without him realizing where he's going- in one week. Thankfully, she has the help of one musician in a rocky relationship, two kind Latino women, a wise cat, a boy her age, and Gladys. Oh, Gladys. I loved how in some places, you want to laugh like crazy, and in some places you want to sob until you die. The only thing I can honestly say I disliked is that there is not a sequel😆! The best part of the book is by far every part.
I loved this book! It has an amazing ending and I wanted to keep reading it! It is such a heart-warming story and I think it is great for kids 9-13. I love the idea of living on a bus, I think it's so cool! I recommend this book! I hope you like it!
I decided to read this book because it looked and sounded interesting. It was pretty good a little on the heartbreaking side though, you should read it.