This wasn't as good as the longer bad kitty chapter books but it was still pretty good and funny. It is about a kitty that is bad when he get heathy food but then is good again when he gets other food. I liked how they did the alphabet in the story.

Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades P - 2 | Grade 1 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk -- four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she's told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that's left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill...and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake...) does she Apologize to Grandma.
Book Reviews (111)
I like Bad Kitty. I loved the pictures and Bad Kitty's expressions. This is a short book but has some tricky words. Bad Kitty's favorite foods were ridiculous and made me laugh.
i liked this because it is very funny when bad kitty touches the cat nip uncle murphy as a cool dessert cat that was trying to make her be a cat again.
i thought that this book was really funny because kitty was acting like a dog because she got bonked on the head and she went to camp with puppy and at the end puppy was bonked on the head and started acting like a baby.
Bad kitty is a good book and so funny. Me and my mom will always read it once i get one. It will always get me to giggle.
This book is so funny!!!!!!!! It took me a little long to read it because I keep falling on the flour! Also having to eat ( digestive system)
I am a HUGE Nick Bruel fan! I have been reading Bad Kitty since I was 5 years old. Camp Daze is one of my favorites because Kitty forgets she's a cat and thinks she's a dog but later remembers she's a cat and saves Uncle Murray from a bear! From getting jumped on by Baby and getting her name wrong on her brand new name tag, Kitty is off to a really bad start of her day. Her awesome breakfast is destroyed and in her anger kicks her bowl which hits her on the head causing her to think she is a dog. And the fun begins for Kitty, but not for Puppy. It was funny to see Puppy's and Baby's reaction to Kitty's new behavior. Kiddy no cat, Kiddy dog is Baby's answer to why Kitty will not play with him. Puppy gets an invitation to a cat free and stress free dog camp and Kitty get's to tag along. It's a great read to meet the other dogs at the camp and how Bad Kitty tries to keep up with them. But she finally remembers she's a cat, but you have to read to find out how.
I am a HUGE Nick Bruel fan! I have been reading Bad Kitty since I was 5 years old. Camp Daze is one of my favorites because Kitty forgets she's a cat and thinks she's a dog but later remembers she's a cat and saves Uncle Murray from a bear! From getting jumped on by Baby and getting her name wrong on her brand new name tag, Kitty is off to a really bad start of her day. Her awesome breakfast is destroyed and in her anger kicks her bowl which hits her on the head causing her to think she is a dog. And the fun begins for Kitty, but not for Puppy. It was funny to see Puppy's and Baby's reaction to Kitty's new behavior. Kiddy no cat, Kiddy dog is Baby's answer to why Kitty will not play with him. Puppy gets an invitation to a cat free and stress free dog camp and Kitty get's to tag along. It's a great read to meet the other dogs at the camp and how Bad Kitty tries to keep up with them. But she finally remembers she's a cat, but you have to read to find out how.
I read this book as a kid, and it was always really funny. This is a good book to read with a group, as it brings many laughs. I highly suggest this book!
This was a really funny book!! It was kind of the back story of why bad kitty is bad. What I really liked about the book was that it used the alphabet in many different ways.