
By Meera Dolasia


Need help with those mad-minute math tests or just want to brush up some basic skills? Here is a great site that will help you do that. The best part is that real teachers monitor your progress and give you feedback on the skills that you have aced and the ones that still need some work - All for free!

Go to kids site
  • Jessalmost 12 years
    I like SO hate it....
    • akaneoncityligh
      akaneoncitylighalmost 12 years
      so fun or annoying?
      • lauraar
        lauraaralmost 12 years
        i ppaed it for a year now now i now my time tabes
        • paddlewax2003
          paddlewax2003almost 12 years
          I use that website, as well as my sister. Like Meera was saying, this program is for mad-minute tests that really get you thinking.Xtramath is Xtra practice!
          • mira solloalmost 12 years
            i love extra math! don't you!
          • pinkypye333
            pinkypye333about 12 years
            I love it because it gets your mind working! :)
            • jennaabout 12 years
              love xmat
              • jennaabout 12 years
                xmath is good.
                • Santiabout 12 years
                  Xtramath is the demon
                  • BGJabout 12 years
                    i do xtramath as home work every day! SOOOO ANNOYING!!!!!!

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