I love it so much deatil and when they got caught by the teacher they was like omg

The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First Day of 5th Grade
By Ken Derby
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grade 5 | n/a | 4.2 | 28690 |
Book Reviews (13)
This book is about a boy named Tony who causes trouble in 5th grade. He watches the David Letterman show and starts getting ideas to cause trouble at school.
The Top Ten Ways To Ruin The First Day Of Fifth Grade is a great book and really funny. Its about this kid T.B. and his 2 friends Ana and Moe. T.B. loves David Letterman and he has to find his way to the studio in the end and its about his adventures. This book isn't to hard and is amazing. So if your looking for a book I highly recomend this book.
In the top ten ways to ruin the first day of fifth grade a boy named Tony runs onto a football field snatches the football and runs into the endzone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This book, The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First day of Fifth grade is about Tony baloney or T.B. for short. he is obsessed with the david letterman and postcard after postcard he finally gets called up. him his teacher Mr.G is a former college football player his 2 best friends Moe and Hanna banana have to go to new york to meet him were some crazy stuff happens.
This book is really funny! It's about T.B., or Tony Baloney, who loves "The Late Show with David Lettermen",and David Lettermen is Tony's role model. Throughout the book Tony makes top 10 lists, and sends them to David Lettermen. He ends up doing some crazy stuff, I won't tell you what, and after running in a bear suit during a professional football game, gets the call from David Lettermen inviting him to be on the show in New York!
This book is super funny! TB wants to get on the late show. First he jumpropes on a toilet. Then he starts a food fight in the caferateria. Then his dog meatball jumps on a trampoline and lands in the class aquarium. Then he copies his butt and everybody in his class got a copy. Lastly tony runs into a pro football game and steals the ball at halftime.
This book is AMAZING! The summary: Tb (tony Bologna) Wants to get stardom on the Late Show with David Letterman. Of course, that is one crazy dream. First, he jumps rope on the toilet. Pretty risky. Then, he starts a food fight in the lunch room against Mean Dean. Next, he makes his dog jumps on a trampoline, Tony throws bouncy ball, but the dog catches it, then lands in the aquarium tank for the new fish!! Then he copies his hinder, and he drops the copies, in front of Mr.Gore. Mr.Gore Gets covered in red paint he was carrying! Then Tony runs onto a pro football at halftime in a bear suit and snatches the ball! Tony gets a call from David Letterman. WIll he get on the show?
This book is hilarious! First Tony jumps rope over the toilet then he copy's his hiner on the copying machine! Next he snatches a football from a football game! Also he loves david letterman and he gets on his show!
Don't give away the Ending!!! :( I read it but you just ruined it for everyone.
In the top ten ways to ruin the first day of school Tony does all of these crazy tricks to try and get on the Late night show with David Letterman. Like he tried to jump rope on a toilet but that failed. Then he photocopied his hiner and then he got sent to the principals office for the second time that week. Then he was thinking of snatching a football from a football game ! Would Tony make it to New York to be on the Late night show with David Letterman ? This book is also very funny.