The Ultimate Adoption!

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No your eyes are not deceiving you! Those are four little piglets "disguised" as tigers, sleeping soundly on their mama a 6-year old Bengal tiger, called Sai Mai. Apparently, this is not the first time Sai Mai has raised piglets - she has been doing it since she was two-years old.

This is not the only "mixed" family that officials at the Sriracha Zoo in Thailand have created. They have given a Sow (female pig), four tiger cubs to look after. Neither mamma nor the tiger cubs seem to mind or even notice anything is amiss (wrong)!

The Sriracha Tiger Zoo is home to 200 Bengal tigers and over 100,000 crocodiles, as well as other animals. Besides being a normal Zoo, it also double up as an animal circus, where crocodiles wrestle female crocodile fighters and elephants give massages and play basketball.

Below are not one but three fun videos (they are all so fun, that we had to share them with you!) - the first one has Sai Mai hanging out with her "cubs", while the other two show the elephants shooting hoops and giving a "gentle" massage! - enjoy


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  • edmodo-xmbnanmztc
    edmodo-xmbnanmztcover 11 years
    cute i love it
    • buggirl
      buggirlover 11 years
      I agree, these elephant videos give a very good example of animal cruelty. My family friends and I all do animal rescue to save these poor creatures and give them a better life. The people who hurt animals on purpose or for fun are terrible.
      • carlalmost 12 years
        just so you know the elephant videos are good examples of animal cruelity
        • shannonalmost 12 years
          so cute and awesome :)
          • molly3
            molly3almost 12 years
            That is unlike nature but so totally cute
            • rigoroualmost 12 years
              • rampage
                rampageabout 12 years
                Thats weird. I would think the lion would eventually eat them.
                • bobabout 12 years
                  • la_eliza
                    la_elizaabout 12 years
                    That is soo adorable and amazing!
                    • huh????over 12 years
                      Isn't it dangerous??????