The World's Longest Yard Sale

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If you happen to be near Gladsen, Alabama or West Unity, Ohio or - anywhere in between this week, plan on staying an extra few days - For that is what it will take to look for treasures at the 654-mile 'World's longest yard sale', also called the '127corridor sale'.

The four-day event, held from August 6-9, features more than 5,000 vendors hawking everything from priceless antiques to chipped crockery. The event, which started in 1987, as a way to bring tourists to the less traveled, more scenic highways of Tennessee and Kentucky, has expanded to the current 650-mile stretch which spans five States.

Because of its popularity, the 'yard' sale is no longer just confined to the locals. Vendors from all across the United States show up to sell their wares to the thousands of people who come each year, looking for treasures.

Veterans of this sale offer several tips for a successful trip, including bringing a large empty car, going early, since the good things go real fast, booking a hotel along the way and carrying a roll of toilet paper, since there are not too many bathrooms along the route. Also, haggling is a must - nobody every pays the asking price. Happy shopping!,

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  • lil missabout 14 years
    • smiles rock!!over 14 years
      that guy was weird !!
      • jjover 14 years
        I think they earnd 13245567896567 dorllers
        • jjover 14 years
          That so funny.
          • weirdoover 14 years
            How much money did they earn
            • PINKabout 15 years
              • fjvehjvjdover 15 years
                650 miles in four days
                • ki-ad-mundiover 15 years
                  thats wickid..................................who did it
                  • captainunderpantsover 15 years
                    why so cool
                    • coolover 15 years