Seven-Year Old Raises Over $190,000USD For Haiti!

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Seven-year old British schoolboy Charlie Simpson was so saddened by the plight of the people of Haiti, that he decided he had to something to help. The little boy had hoped to raise about $800USD. Instead, he has raised an amazing $190,000USD and the donations keep coming!

It all began one evening when Charlie and his mother were watching the news about the devastation in Haiti, following the earthquake. The little boy burst into tears when he saw children roaming around the streets, hungry and homeless. He asked his mother what he could do to help.

They decided that he and his dad could organize a little charity event, whereby Charlie could raise money by riding the five-mile bike path at his local park. He asked his mother to create and circulate a sponsorship form.

Besides going from door to door, Charlie's mother also put it on the Internet on a fund raising site called Just Giving, where Charlie wrote a small note which read:

My name is Charlie Simpson, I want to do a Sponsored Bike Ride for Haiti because there was a big earthquake and loads of people have lost their lives. I want to make some money to buy food, water and tents for everyone in Haiti.

Somehow the word got out and donations started pouring in faster than has every happened before - At the end of the first day, the seven-year old had managed to raise $80,000 USD and more money keeps coming in.

Charlie plans to donate all the money he raises to The United Nations Children's Fund or UNICEF. Just shows you can make a difference no matter how young you are! Way to go Charlie!, the

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  • Lenaover 14 years
    SO COOL!!!!!!!
    • Lenaover 14 years
      wow! i`m telling my teacher about this in my news article for his class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh... HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
      • dadaover 14 years
        omg totaly very irresponsible and careless little fat fellow im disapointed it awsome
        • dadaover 14 years
          omg totaly very careless little fat fellow
          • dadaover 14 years
            kid whatever your name is im proud of you your respecteful and caring GOD his your friend now cause you gave the tree roots to haiti im very very proud of you your they champion of haiti if someone from haiti sees you heel be you blessing friend cause what you have done on to me you have done it to the lord and if you dont understant that fan ,it about GOD
            • Emover 14 years
              oh my gosh.its so cute
              • T.J.over 14 years
                • T.J.over 14 years
                  That kid is magic
                  • Rose over 14 years
                    I think it was very brave of a seven year old to stand up for a hole differient town. I think we shouldn't just do that for Hatti but for all who suffer every day in life.EX: PEople with deasises like cancer and H1N1 and lots of other things. THANKS CHARELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    • gover 14 years
                      he is cool