Alien Remains Or Wishful Thinking?

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Ever since humans discovered Outer Space, they have been anxiously looking for signs of other forms of life - Now, an anthropologist believes that he has excavated skeletal remains of foreign beings right here on Earth - Are these really aliens or is it just wishful thinking? You decide!

The reason for this theory is that the two skeletal sets discovered by Renato Davila Riquelme in Peru, South America are like none other. To begin with, they have abnormally large skulls - Almost as big as the size of their 20 inch bodies. Also, their eye sockets are extraordinarily large -The kind that we normally envision aliens would have, if they existed.

And there is the fontanel on the head - The soft spot that is prevalent in new born babies. However, what makes these unusual is that this 'alien' also had two large molars - Not something a human baby would be born with.

Mr. Renato and three other anthropologists from Spain and Russia who have examined the remains believe that these do not look like anything that resembles any known species of humans and suspect that they be aliens. To verify their suspicions they are planning to conduct DNA tests from the remains of the eyeball inside one of the skeletons.

Meanwhile, other scientists have offered an alternate explanation for these strange looking skulls. They believe it could be the result of an old ritual of re-shaping heads, practiced by ancient Mayans, North American Natives and Australian Aborigines. The tribal practice involved molding the head in one of three ways - round, conical or flat, by wrapping a cloth tightly around the infant's skull for six months. If flat was the desired shape, the skull was then placed between two pieces of wood! Though this may sound strange, 9,000 years ago, it was a way to pledge loyalty to a particular group or display a specific social status.

While this certainly sounds more plausible, there is the question of the combination of the fotanel and the fully grown molars - Maybe these were partial aliens partial humans? We'll just have to wait and see what the experts find out!


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  • Alienalmost 10 years
    The apocolipse is coming JK
    • jacoboabout 10 years
      there are aliens out there im not saying its not fake but im also not saying its not real ether but there out there.There is so much prof so im not sure but that could be an alien skull but it also could mean that men started out as sort of a ape man
      • nelly about 10 years
        it looks like they carved it out so it looks real wow fake
        • green lanternabout 10 years
          so fake !!!!!
          • Christina about 10 years
            you are right loman it is so fake
            • loman about 10 years
              • owenq3752
                owenq3752over 10 years
                Every Body RUNN!!!
              • pstrikeforce96
                pstrikeforce96over 10 years
                • disney12998
                  disney12998over 10 years
                  WOW!!! This means there actually might be a scientific claim that might prove there were other species besides human.... MAYBE even ALIENS!!!!
                  • billy bob jeoover 10 years
                    this is over rated