Applications Pour In For First Private Mission To Mars

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In February 2013, US multimillionaire Dennis Tito announced that his non-profit organization, Inspiration Mars Foundation, was planning to sponsor two 'qualified' people for a flyby to Mars in 2018. While one would think that an announcement this ambitious from a man whose closest encounter with Space has been as the first paying guest of the International Space Station would arouse some skepticism, such is not the case.

Earlier last week, the foundation announced that they had already begun to receive hundreds of applications from people interested in what sounds like a treacherous 501 day round-trip journey, cooped inside a capsule the size of an RV on the way in, and an even smaller rocket, on the return.

Besides the issue of the tight living quarters, the pioneers will also have to breath oxygen that is created on board from water and carbon dioxide exhaled from their own breaths, eat dehydrated food and drink water purified from their urine. If that is not bad enough, in case one of them happens to die, the other crew member will have to put him/her in a vacuum sealed bag and complete the rest of the journey, solo.

The clincher is that after suffering through such discomfort, the astronauts will not even get to walk on the Red Planet - That's because the mission is just a flyby, which means that it will get to within 100 miles of the planet and then zip straight down - As Zito describes it, like a boomerang.

While zooming down at speeds of over 8.8 miles per second may sound like the ultimate roller-coaster ride, it could be dangerous given that no space vehicle has re-entered the atmosphere at such a rapid pace, prior to this.

As to who would 'qualify' for the mission? Preferably, a middle aged man and woman, largely because their lifetime risk of dying from the high dosage of radiation they will be exposed to, is considered to be relatively low. Given the duration of the journey, they would ideally also have to be married. And, though neither have to be scientists or astronauts, they do have to be able to make minor repairs, change filters and perform a number of different tasks that space experts normally undertake.

So why is Tito who is funding the first two years of development from his own funds doing it? Not for the fame or to make money, but because he wants to prove that humans can explore deep space and he is hoping that his venture will convince and inspire the US government to commit the funds necessary, to do one that will involve more than a mere flyby.

In order to maximize the chances of the mission being successful, the spacecraft will have to be ready for blast off, by January, 2018. That's because it is the year when Earth and Mars will be perfectly positioned and also coincides with the 11-year solar minimum, which will mean that the space pioneers will be exposed to the least amount of solar radiation possible. If they miss the deadline, the next window will not open up until 2031! Will he succeed? We for one cannot wait to see! To read more about the incredible journey or keep tabs on the latest news, check out :


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  • Logan101over 11 years
    I would like to do that but i won't want to die or do that stuff but i think they should wait till the future the way way future like 2213 casue we could have not people die
    • pipermc11
      pipermc11over 11 years
      • Maybeover 11 years
        Cool. I like it.
        • xxmisfit13xx
          xxmisfit13xxover 11 years
          yeah there was this thing in the news paper that they want 12 people to go one way trip to mars lol who would do that like they will die maybe but i say its not worth it cuz if they die then all the money we put in the trip will be a waste and they should put that money in poor people think about it guys!
          • sniperover 11 years
            im guessing its going to be hard to go to mars
            • Tbpover 11 years
              You wouldn't run out of supplies! I'm sure that they would make sure that there is plenty of food and water.
              • roos213_4
                roos213_4over 11 years
                I will not go because my friends would all be on planet earth plus once I run out of supplies I have nothing else to servive.
                • iamapersontooD:over 11 years
                  kado no matter what it goes into it's still pee and you're still drinking it is grows ewwwwwwww
                  • Samover 11 years
                    You realize if you go around the moon and do a slingshot you would go 10 times faster and get their allot quicker due to the gravity at the moon making you fly their at a high rate,even though it would be more difficult, also i would definetly go even though if i died i would die seeing a planet no other has seen close up in person. even though i would have to drink urine(tasty no lol) It would defintely be worth it!
                    • kadoover 11 years
                      also you wouldnt be going to the actual planet so saying things like there's no oxygen is irrelevent