NASA's SOFIA Finds Water On The Moon's Sunlit Side!

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The Clavius Crater on the Moon as seen by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The SOFIA observatory has detected water ice in shadowed regions of this sunlit lunar location ((Image credit: NASA/Moon Trek/USGS/LRO)

The presence of ice in the permanently shadowed craters around the Moon's poles has been known for some time. However, researchers had been unsure if the hydration detected on the satellite's sunlit areas was "molecular" water (H2O), or hydroxyl (OH), a molecule that's one hydrogen atom shy of becoming water. On October 26, 2020, NASA confirmed that the liquid was indeed water.

“We had indications that H2O – the familiar water we know – might be present on the sunlit side of the Moon,” said Paul Hertz, Director of Astrophysics at NASA. “Now we know it is there. This discovery challenges our understanding of the lunar surface and raises intriguing questions about resources relevant for deep space exploration.”

The discovery was made using data collected by NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). The modified Boeing 747 aircraft, which can fly its large telescope at altitudes of up to 45,000 feet, allows researchers to clearly observe space objects. The water molecules — detected using a special infrared camera capable of discerning between the wavelengths of H2O and OH — were found in the Clavius Crater. Located on the Moon's Southern Hemisphere, the large crater can be clearly seen from Earth.

The Moon’s Clavius Crater, with an illustration depicting water trapped in the lunar soil there, along with an image of NASA’s SOFIA, which found lunar water. (Credit: NASA/ Daniel Rutter)

However, before you start packing your bags for our satellite, be warned that the water concentration is extremely low — about 100 to 412 parts per million. To put it in perspective, the Sahara Desert has about 100 times more water! "This is not puddles of water but instead water molecules that are so spread apart that they do not form ice or liquid water," said NASA researcher Casey Honniball, who led the study. Though not enough to sustain humans, the discovery is significant because water is a rare and precious resource in deep space.

The scientists speculate that the H2O molecules may have been deposited by the tiny meteorites that are continually bombarding the Moon's surface. Another plausible explanation involves a multi-step process where the Sun's solar wind brings hydrogen to the Moon, which then reacts with oxygen-bearing minerals in the soil to create hydroxyl. This hydroxyl could later be transformed into water from the micrometeorites' radiation.

The Clavius Crater is one of the Moon's largest craters and visible from Earth (Jstuby/ CC0,/ Wikimedia Commons)

Also perplexing is how the water escapes evaporation. The liquid could be trapped in tiny bead-like structures in the soil that form from the intense heat generated from the micrometeorite impacts. Alternatively, the H2O molecules may be hidden inside the lunar soil grains and sheltered from the Sun.

“Without a thick atmosphere, water on the sunlit lunar surface should just be lost to space,” said Honniball. “Yet somehow we’re seeing it. Something is generating the water, and something must be trapping it there.”

NASA plans to conduct follow-up missions to determine how widespread the water is across the lunar surface. The findings will allow the US space agency to find the perfect landing for its Artemis mission that will take the first woman and next man to explore the Moon more extensively in 2024.



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  • majestic_tiger1
    majestic_tiger1over 2 years
    wow! I and my mom are space GURUs
    • adroit_avimimus
      adroit_avimimusalmost 3 years
      That's pretty amazing! If there were people that were to inhabit earth, there wouldn't be too much, because the moon is already less than a third of the width of our planet!
      • da_frog
        da_frogabout 3 years
        • ebags
          ebagsover 3 years
          i wonder why they made the moon gray though. out of most of the colors. but the rest of the artical is prety cool i didn't know some of the things!
          • nijitijuramy
            nijitijuramyalmost 4 years
            wow i cannot believe that :0
            • helenp1093
              helenp1093almost 4 years
              Maybe humans could live there in the future! That would be really cool.
              • spyder_11
                spyder_11about 3 years
                i wouldn't want to live on the moon. but i could visit that would be fun
              • kat7904
                kat7904about 4 years
                if the moon has water i wonder if you can drink it..
                • tdflame5272007
                  tdflame5272007almost 4 years
                  Considering it's molecules of water that are a little harder to notice and even if you did it would still be hard to get any type of thirst to go away, but is still possible just would take a while
                • kidnapper
                  kidnapperabout 4 years
                  It probably wouldn't taste that well lol
                • pinkkitty9
                  pinkkitty9about 4 years
                  WOW! Water on the moon sounds really cool. that is an awesome discovery. Someday we might live on the moon!
                  • tdflame5272007
                    tdflame5272007almost 4 years
                    I wouldn't get your hopes up, but we might have too someday, but if we ever did it wouldn't be for a really long time
                  • pylimolurepo
                    pylimolurepoabout 4 years
                    i want to live in the moon so i can say "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY
                    • awalker_05
                      awalker_05about 4 years
                      omg guys plz stop saying we gonna live on the moon that's not how science works and just because they find a little bit of water on the moon-doesn't mean yall can pack your bags and move