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b7 added a new comment in
Based on the video I think that the book was made with acid free paper, and they put tiny tree seeds into the book and then made sure they would stay in by putting something over the seeds and then done.
Almost 10 years agob7 added a new comment in
The message the editor is trying to convey kids is to with the tree book tree is to not waste paper or other products on the market that are made with trees, because once we use up all the trees we can't get them back, unless there's a scientific way to make tree seeds, and we need trees to help us breath that's called the air cycle. The air cycle is when humans breath in air and then breath out carbon dioxide then the trees take in the carbon dioxide and produce air. So the air cycle is really how trees help us breath, and how we make trees stay alive too.
Almost 10 years agob7 added a new comment in
What kids need to do to make the book grow into a tree is read it and then plant it. After that they have to water it everyday, and sooner or later it will grow.
Almost 10 years agob7 added a new comment in
KLM's video was about a dog who works for the lost and found team it helps people get back there things. How it works is the people check the airplane for lost items and if they find something that is lost they let the dog smell it so the dog knows who's it is and then the person who checks the air plane puts the idem in the dogs clothing and then the dog runs to the person who's it is.
Over 10 years agob7 added a new comment in
people text and drive but in china they text and walk but in a city in china called Chongqing decided to create a texter's lane.
Over 10 years agob7 added a new comment in
This year is different from last years volcano eruption because last year it was exploding and this years is just flowing down the volcano.
Over 10 years ago