the Treasure hunters is a about the kidd kids ,beck storm, bick and tommy,who is actually really funny.but when they were sailing with there dad,a really bad storm came along and took him over board.and their mother was lost cyprus,and was dead-or thats what they said.so now their orphans and there alone at sea with a ship (the lost) sinking.the kidds are trying to find what there dad was looking for and try to get into the "room" to get a treasure map to a ship.thats when they come along louie louie,(a person who dose business with anyone who cares to do business with him),and demand to make him fix the lost,and make a trade for the bumblebee bauble for the african mask.but i'm not going to tell you about the whole story.they go through lot of twist and turns and they figure out what really happened to their parents.so to summon up the story it's a funny adventure book with lots of steps to finding their missing parents