Amateur Astronomy is a lot of Fun! As well as being fun, astronomy can also make you smarter, like reading books and going to school makes people smart. As this article shows, Saturn can be fun and beautiful to look at. You can also "split stars"! Most stars are binary, trinary, that look like one star without a telescope. That means a lot of stars are are really more than one star when you look at them through a telescope. For example, 'Sirius' is the brightest star in the night sky and it looks like a single star to the naked eye. But Sirius is really a double star and can be "Split" with a powerful telescope! You can catalogue "Split Stars", then check with NASA to see if it has been registered yet, and then send the information to NASA. NASA will register your information "if that star" has not been yet been registered. It is possible to even name the star! Besides a telescope, you can also use binoculars to look at Saturn as well as the Moon and Stars! But try to steady your arms on the hood of a car or something so the binoculars do not wobble.