This is a great Alphabet book. BAD KITTY dos't start out bad, in fact she was a very good kitty . But then they ran out of cat food, and all she had to eat was vegetables! Then she got mad, so then she got BAD. She did all sorts of very naughty, very BAD things. But in the end they got more cat food and she decided to be a very, very GOOD KITTY. The End.

Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades P - 2 | Grade 1 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk -- four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she's told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that's left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill...and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake...) does she Apologize to Grandma.
Book Reviews (111)
Have you ever wondered why bad kitty is so bad? It's because her family was out of food. All she could was healthy and delicious food such as, asparagus, beets, cauliflower, and garlic. This is a great book for 1st graders.
This book was pretty boring for me. Bad Kitty wasn't bad before. The only reason she became bad is that one day her owner did't have any yummy cat food. So, she started doing bad things. The author lists the things that she does in alphabetical order. Then one day her owner gets her cat food so, she starts doing good things. She even did the owner's taxes! This book was really boring to me. There may be some hilarious parts but, they weren't so hilarious. Also there wasn't so much of a story. I think little kids would enjoy this book a lot. You should maybe still read it though.
All Bad Kitty was trying to do was get in her usual 22 hours of sleep. First Puppy wants to play and barks her awake. Then Baby burbles and startles her. Then the doorbell rings—but it’s a present for Bad Kitty. A collar with a nametag…but it’s misspelled! Her disgruntlement is assuaged by a dish full of Chinese takeaway. However, she doesn’t get to eat it: Puppy and Baby knock it over. In a fit of pique, Kitty kicks her bowl, which bounces back and bonks her on the noggin—and she comes to think she’s a dog. Her doggy behavior (unnoticed by her clueless, unseen human) so frazzles Puppy that their human sends him to Uncle Murray’s Camp for Stressed-out Dogs for the weekend—and Bad Kitty stows away. Goofy adventures ensue, dotted with occasional breaks for Uncle Murray’s Fun Facts on such topics as why dogs are better at fetch than cats and why cats hate water more than dogs do. A catnip-induced visit from Bastet, Egyptian goddess of cats, reminds Bad Kitty of who she is in time to save the day. Bruel’s 11th Bad Kitty chapter book (not including the recent how-to-draw-comics tome) will satisfy her millions of fans with plenty of cat-titude and feline foolishness.
This was a funny book. I liked it.
This book has a lot of humor which makes me laugh! When I feel sad this is the purr-fect book to read because it cheers me up!!
this is a very funny book. I have read the series and is is so FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a very funny book. It made me laugh a lot. It is very entertaining and I love the series. I really hope another Bad Kitty book will come out soon.
This is a very funny and entertaining I liked this book very much
I wanted to read this book because it is a very funny and a little interesting.i think you should read this crazy book.i’ll give this book a 5/5 star rating