Penguins are known for many things - their charming looks, cheerful Christmas spirit, high-diving skills and . . . dancing skills? Apparently so, for how else can you explain the Penguin dance fever that is spreading across the world and has even charmed the normally staid residents of Saudi Arabia?...
Read news articleIf you have ever been in a pillow fight with friends, you know how much fun it is. Now imagine one with hundreds of people, most of whom you don't even know! That's exactly what happens annually, on International Pillow Fight Day!...
Read news articleFirst, it was the Rubik's Cube solving Lego robot and now, one that not only plays ping pong, but also, has the audacity to challenge one of the world's best players - Germany's Timo Boll. Meet the incredibly fast Kuka robot, which is built for manufacturing, but certainly seems to have a knack for ping pong....
Read news articleFor thousands of years, the Northern Lights have been putting up an incredible show in the skies above Europe, Alaska, Canada, Russia and if the solar flares are strong enough, even Northeast USA. This year was no different. On Thursday, February 28th, the annual phenomenon lit up the skies of the U.K. and Northern Ireland with beautiful hues of greens and reds, mesmerizing the residents fortunate enough to see them....
Read news articleWith Frozen's catchy song 'Let it go' winning the Oscar last night, there are bound to be numerous more parodies added to the hundreds of thousands that already exist on YouTube. However, very few will be more fun or relevant (given the recent winter storms) than the one performed on Friday, February 21st, by Bob Herzog on Cincinnati, Ohio's WKRC....
Read news articleAfter foul weather kept a group of chimpanzees cooped up inside their cages for many days, the workers at United Kingdom's Whipsnade Zoo decided to give them a special treat and what better time to do it than around Valentine's Day?...
Read news articleWhile many people are well versed in the art of balloon twisting, very few have developed their skills quite like Jeff Wright. Instead of making small animals and hats, the talented artist crafts life-size wearable superhero costumes, using just the inflated rubber! Over the years, the 28-year-old Cleveland, Ohio native who now lives in Bolivia, has balloon twisted the attire worn by Buzz Lightyear, Super Mario and even, Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....
Read news articleEarly on the morning of January 10th, 2014, thousands of people gathered patiently outside the gates of the Nishinomiya shrine in Japan's Hyogo Prefecture waiting to participate in a 230-meter (754 feet) sprint across the shrine grounds, to win the coveted title of 'Lucky Man /(Woman)'....
Read news articleMany artists specialize in painting marine life. However, few do it like Peruvian artist Pascual Mimbela - By taking a plunge into the Pacific and creating his masterpieces, as his subjects swim by....
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