Completing a 26.2-mile marathon is hard enough. Now imagine running it backwards! Not impressed? How about doing all that and juggling, or as they call it 'joggling'? That believe it or not, is what Joe Salter did on the weekend of September 19th, at the Quad-Cities Marathon in Illinois....
Read news articleWhat is better than silly putty - that gooey mixture that flows like a liquid when handled gently, but turns as hard as a rock, when punched or stomped upon? How about one that flows through your hand like sand but can still be used to shape your favorite creations?...
Read news articleIf you are an Ironman fan you are all familiar with that awesomely cool three-dimensional interface that his alias Tony Stark is constantly manipulating to create the another gadget or improve his suit. Now billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk seems to have managed to emulate that interface except in his case it is to design a real-life rocket engine!...
Read news articleNot too long ago, South Korean conglomerate LG Corporation pulled off a funny prank that involved the floor of an elevator seemingly collapsing beneath the feet of their riders to demonstrate the lifelike quality of their new IPS monitors. Now the company is at it again, with a new prank that made the witnesses believe that the world was about to end!...
Read news articleIt's mid-summer which means it is time for the DOGOnews team to take a short break and get re-energized for the upcoming school year. We will be back on July 25th with more fun news....
Read news articleIf you happened to be visiting Detroit's Westland Suburb on Tuesday July 9th, you would have seen witnessed an unbelievable sight - Over 2,000 kids frolicking in a 75-by-150 mud pit while their parents cheered from the sidelines. Welcome to mud day!...
Read news articleEver since the Guinness World Records was introduced in August of 1954, people have been coming up with all kinds of gimmicks to get their name in the book. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that there is a category for the fastest clapper in the world, an honor that has been held by Kent French, since 2003. Now it seems he may have finally met his match or should we say 'clap' in Bryan Bednarek....
Read news articleFirst there was Eddie the Oregon sea otter who amazed the world with his dunking skills and now, Titus an adorable toddler who is making waves with his outstanding talent that could give seasoned basketball players a run for their money....
Read news articleMention brain surgery and images of a patient lying deeply unconscious with doctors carefully trying to cut through the nerves, comes to mind. However, this certainly does not seem to be the case if you watch this week's video, where the doctors and patients both look busy - One working on the brain, the other, happily strumming on his guitar!...
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