The Mini Cooper is known for many things - Its affordability, great driving dynamics, good fuel efficiency and even, accommodating insane number of adults, albeit for a short period of time. Now the car makers have one more thing to brag about - It is the first car to ever perform a somersault on snow....
Read news articleIf you, like most people, are a little fatigued with PSY and the numerous parodies of his super hit song 'Gangnam Style', it may be time to check out Harlem Shake, the newest dance craze to hit the Internet!...
Read news articleWho says that Swedish kids are the only ones that get to play at school? On January 29th, 2013, 336 students and faculty members at New Jersey's Hawthorne High School got to skip some classes and have fun too. In this case, however, the 'play' involved something a little more low-tech - Simultaneously popping, crackling, and snapping as much Bubble Wrap as they possibly could in two short minutes!...
Read news articleThe drive-thru window of a fast-food restaurant is probably the least fun place to work at - All the staff do is open the window, dish out bags of food to someone they cannot even fully see, say something polite and then wait for the next car to drive up! But what if a car drove up with nobody at the wheel?...
Read news articleMany parts of the Northern Hemisphere have experienced a rather severe winter this year. However, very few can be compared to that felt by the residents of some parts of Russia where the temperatures have dipped as low as -50°Ç - Some of the lowest recorded in the area in the last 50 years!...
Read news articleOn behalf of the DOGONews team, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy And Prosperous 2013! We are taking a short break to enjoy the holidays, but will be back with more exciting news articles on January 1st, 2013....
Read news articleJingle Cats, a group of electronically animated kittens took the world by storm when they released their first Jingle Bells medley in 1992. Since then, the group of nine cats have been meowing their way to the top of the charts every year, around this time....
Read news articleIf some New Age spiritualists are to be believed, the world as we know it, is going to end on December 21st. Why? All because the Mayan calendar seems to stop abruptly on this date. However, experts are not so sure that this doomsday scenario has any legs....
Read news articleWe have all experienced how magical our the skies appear on a clear night, when they are all aglow with twinkling stars. However, have you ever wondered how Earth looks from the skies when millions of lights from its residents are all shining in the night? Now, thanks to some amazing footage from NASA, you have to wonder no more....
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