On August 3rd, 1492 an Italian explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain to seek out a new route to India. On October 12th, 1492, after sailing across the Atlantic Ocean for 10 weeks, a crew member sighted land and the adventurer thought he had arrived . . . . . To India!...
Read news articleOn Sunday, August 5th, 2012, NASA scientists successfully landed the massive 2,000 pound Mars Science Laboratory AKA Curiosity on the surface of the Red Planet, a feat that was truly considered one of the most momentous events in the history of Space....
Read news articleWe all love sunsets, but ever wonder what they look like from a bird's perspective? Or more specifically a seagull's perspective? Now, thanks to one inquisitive bird that is one mystery we will never have to ponder over....
Read news articleHaving identical twins is hard enough for most families, so you can only imagine what the parents of these quadruplets in China must have had to face. Not only did they look alike, they also, had identical mannerisms....
Read news articleAsia's longest river, the 6,418 km Yangtze, that originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glaciers and meanders through southwest, central and eastern China before ending in the East China Sea, is normally known as the Golden Watercourse, thanks to its pale brown color. However, since September 6th, the river has taken on a bright red hue and nobody is sure why!...
Read news articleHumans believe that they are at the top of the food chain because they can outsmart any living being on this planet - While that may be true to some extent, animals, especially chimpanzees that share 99% of our DNA, are no dummies either....
Read news articleWe know of dogs who will do anything for a juicy piece of steak. Some, with slightly healthier habits will even eat strawberries. But cabbage? That apparently is what this Lemon beagle loves to eat....
Read news articleWe all have all been well educated to the fact that overexposure to the sun's harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays can lead to major health problems ranging from skin cancer to even, eye damage. It is therefore no wonder that we are constantly seeking out sunscreens that promise the strongest levels of UV protection....
Read news articleWhile sharks are known to use their sharp teeth to grab everything they can lay their eyes on, nobody every thought that an underground camera rig would make the cut. But, as Bahamas shark expert Jim Abernethy found out, nothing is safe from these curious fish....
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