Kids News - Articles with 0-200 Words

Now This, Is A Real Monster Slipper

When Todd Boddingham ordered monster design slippers from an online retailer, he did not really expect them to be monster sized too. But that's exactly what showed up at his doorstep all because, someone missed reading the decimal point!...

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Now This, Is A Real Monster Slipper

Video Of The Week - The Ultimate Tribute To Mr. Steve Jobs

On October 5th 2011, the world lost one of the most profound visionaries of our times - Mr. Steve Jobs. The founder of Apple Inc. did not invent computers, tablets or phones - But, he made them so much more exciting and intuitive, that everyone - Ranging from dolphins to monkeys to even babies, can and want to use them!...

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Video Of The Week - The Ultimate Tribute To Mr. Steve Jobs

Video Of The Week - Snappy, The Orange Crocodile!

Just a few weeks ago, Snappy an eight-foot long crocodile, who lives at the Roaming Reptiles center in Melbourne, Australia, used to look just like the rest of the clan - A nice dull green. So you can only imagine how horrified its owner Tracy Sandstrom was, when the crocodile began to turn a bright orange!...

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Video Of The Week - Snappy, The Orange Crocodile!

Video Of The Week - New Zealand's Psychic Sheep

First there was Paul the Octopus seer who correctly predicted the outcome of not only all of Germany's World Cup games, but also, Spain's spectacular victory. While Paul has since passed on, there is a new animal psychic that is making waves or should we say Baaaa's, with his predictions of the Rugby World Cup that is currently being played in New Zealand....

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Video Of The Week - New Zealand's Psychic Sheep