Kids News - Articles with 0-200 Words

Want To Go Diving In The Park?

Ever swam in a lake with benches and grass at the bottom - One where you have to float through trees and dive under bridges? In fact, if you close your eyes for a moment, it almost resembles a park in your neighborhood - Which is exactly what it is, for about six months a year....

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Want To Go Diving In The Park?

Video Of The Week - Atomic Tom's iPhone Concert

On October 8th, 2010, Brooklyn based, Atomic Tom woke up the sleepy riders of New York City's Subway B, by belting out their latest single -'Take Me Out'. While the performance itself was not unusual, what stunned the audience was their choice of musical instruments, that comprised of . . . . . . . three iPhones!...

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Video Of The Week - Atomic Tom's iPhone Concert

Video Of The Week - Ready, Steady, Fall!

Ready, Steady, Fall! Have you ever run in high heels? Think it's impossible? Don't tell that to the 500 contestants, who gathered at New York's Central Park to compete in the 2nd annual High-Heel-A-Thon competition, sponsored by Live With Regis and Kelly....

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Video Of The Week - Ready, Steady, Fall!

Pumpkins Anyone?

If you love pumpkins you must pay a visit to Ludwigsburg, Germany for the World's Largest Pumpkin Festival, an annual event held in the fall, that features - well, all things pumpkin, of course!I...

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Pumpkins Anyone?

In Case You Are Wondering - I Am A Cat!

Polly, the kitten never wants to be mistaken for anything else - and unless someone can't read, she won't - For not only does the ten-month tabby look like a cat (a cute one too!), she also has the word spelled out on her left flank!...

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In Case You Are Wondering - I Am A Cat!