If you live anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, you are probably counting down the number of hours before the generous jolly man in the red suit, sneaks down the chimney and floods your Christmas tree with gifts (or coal).
Read news articleIf you live anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, you are probably counting down the number of hours before the generous jolly man in the red suit, sneaks down the chimney and floods your Christmas tree with gifts (or coal).
Read news articleEver since US first lady Michelle Obama has come to the White House, she has been focused on how to make American kids healthier. Her 'Let's Move' campaign launched in 2010 to promote physical fitness and encourage healthy eating in children, is responsible for countless organic gardens and several fun organized activities. On October 11th, she took her message to a global level, by asking kids from all over the world to participate in the fun activity of jumping jacks.
Read news articleWhen life gives you lemons, make lemonade - That is the attitude this two-legged pig that resides in China's Anhui Province seems to have adopted and, he appears to be quite content.
Read news articleResearchers from the University of Irvine and The California Institute of Technology have created what they believe is the world's lightest material - One that can sit atop a Dandelion Fluff, without destroying its seeds.
Read news articleFor the next 50 days, visitors to the Belgian city of Bruges are in for a real treat. That's because this year the city's Snow and Ice Sculpture Festival features the 'Happiest Place On Earth' - made entirely out of ice! The theme was selected to mark the 20th anniversary of the Disneyland's Paris location.
Read news articleWhile it is common to hear about wealthy people donating some of their money to help out those that are not so fortunate, it is rare to hear about the same kind of generosity from someone who has very little to begin with.
Read news articleThursday November 17th, was Guinness World Record Day - As the name indicates, it is the day when hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world attempt to get their name in the prestigious record book, by performing antics that range from amazing to the most bizarre.
Read news articleDrawing any portrait is difficult enough. Now imagine how hard it would be to not only draw an exact replica of one as famous at The Mona Lisa or The Girl With A Pearl Earring, but do so, without lifting the tip of your pen.
Read news articleWhile Halloween is fun, the next day is even better. That's because while the former is all about accumulating as much candy as one can get, it is on the day after that we all get to peacefully sort out our loot and savor, it one piece at a time.
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